So here I am taking a zen moment and imagining myself on the peaceful hike that Ken and I did yesterday after voting. The 1,223-acre Saco Heath Preserve has a 1.1 mile long trail and colorful boardwalk that zigzags through a wild cranberry bog. The trail is flat and easy with interesting flowers and plant life, making it almost surreal, like being in another world as you walk across what used to be ponds now filled in with reed moss and then sphagnum moss on top.The open preserve hosts a vast assemblage of plants including Labrador tea, sassafras, leather-leaf, rhodora, cottongrass, sheep laurel and scattered pitch pine, Atlantic white cedar, black spruce, and tamarack which grow on a mat of sphagnum moss and the woodland areas include red maple, white pine, atlantic White Cedar, hemlock and black gum trees. If you're lucky you might glimpse a deer, moose, snowshoe hare or other variety of other wildlife here. We did not however . :-(
Its an easy and interesting 2.2 mile hike, takes only a half hour back and forth, So check out the Saco Heath Preserve, Saco Maine next time you're in the area!